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Title: Antioxidant activity among selected Members of the tribe Eupatorieae
Authors: Nair, Neethi C.
D., Sheela
Keywords: Free radicals
Degenerative diseases
Physiological functions
Issue Date: 31-Jul-2016
Publisher: International Journal of Current Research
Citation: Citation: Neethi.C.Nair and Sheela, D. 2016. "Antioxidant activity among selected members of the tribe Eupatorieae", International Journal of Current Research, 8,(07),34723-34726.
Abstract: Free radicals are the causes of a large number of human degenerative diseases affecting a wide variety of physiological functions. Antioxidants, even at relatively small concentrations inhibit oxidation by acting as free radical scavengers and thus converting these radicals into less reactive oxygen species. The present study is on the plants such as Ageratum conyzoides, L., Eupatorium ayapana, Vent., and Chromolaena odorata, L. which belong to the tribe Eupatorieae of the family Asteraceae. These members are rich in secondary metabolites such as phenol, flavanoids and tannin. The presence of these phenolics makes them a good antioxidant. The study reveals the quantity of secondary metabolites in these plants and there by proving their antioxidant potential and so these can be used for the preparation of natural drugs.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/789
ISSN: 0975-833X
Appears in Collections:Publications / Presentations

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